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Nick Gandon is announced as new Club President

Nick Gandon is announced as new Club President

Ian Munday28 Jun - 14:21
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With immediate effect, Mr Hoddesdon is now our new 'Pres'

The club are very proud to confirm that Nick "Goosie" Gandon has accepted the committee’s nomination to become Hoddesdon CC Club President, with immediate effect.

On behalf of the committee, Club chairman, Ian (Mappa) Munday, comments on the new appointment.

“Nick has been a cornerstone and integral part of our club since he was a young man. From player and captain across all senior teams to club captain, committee man, and chairman, Nick has dedicated thousands of hours to our community club.

As he continues to battle his well-documented health challenges in the way that only Nick can, we are delighted to honour his unwavering commitment and spirit. Nick truly embodies the heart and soul of Hoddesdon CC.

At the recent and emotional Presidents Day, a junior member asked me how they could help the club. I pointed to Nick who was sitting across the field, surrounded by friends enjoying a red wine, and said, "If you model yourself on that man, then not only will you be special, but our club will be too." Later, I noticed the junior talking to Nick and although I don’t know what was said, I am very confident that the junior will never forget that moment or the words said to him.

Following 'Goose' as Club Chairman was both an honour and a challenge. Now, it is with great pride that we announce him, forever in our history books, as President of Hoddesdon CC. I am confident that the news of this appointment will be toasted by not only every member of our club but way beyond our own little family, Nicks extended family across many of his networks. I hope that in true Hoddesdon CC style, people will congratulate Goose and raise a glass or two (or more!) to our new Pres.

However, I cannot go without acknowledging the brilliant work performed by his predecessor, Peter Grant (Cranker), who has chosen to step down, for his service and dedication. Peter has served as President during my tenure as Chairman and has helped me such a lot, as he has the whole committee and we cannot thank him enough for his support. Peter has been a fantastic figurehead and ambassador for our club and he should be very proud that his efforts and dedication are now recognised forever in our clubs great history.

BUT Lastly, back to our very own Nick Gandon, our Goose, our new Pres !!

Pres, you are Mr. Hoddesdon, and we are all deeply grateful for everything you have done and continue to do for our club, thank you so much, from every member of the club past and present.

Very emotionally and proudly, your Chairman, Mappa xx"

Further reading