Please support Hoddesdon Cricket Club by taking a Bonus Ball Number in the Saturday Lotto. The Hoddy Saturday Bonus Ball will take place every Saturday night starting on Saturday 12th March through to Saturday 10th December. A total of 40 weeks.
All it costs is £1 per week so £40 covers you for nearly the rest of the year. This year there are 59 numbers to choose from so we need more members taking part.
Now all you have to do is choose your favourite number or numbers and if that number is the Bonus Ball in the Saturday night Lotto matches your number you will win £25. However, as there are more numbers this year there will be bonus payments on weeks STARED below of an extra £50, so the payment will be £75.
The weekly dates are
12th March, 19st March, 26th March,
2nd April, 9th April, 16th April, 23rd April, 30th April,
7th May, *14th May, 21st May, 28th May,
4th June, 11th June, 18th June, 25th June,
2nd July, 9th July, 16th July, *23rd July, 30th July,
6th Aug, 13th Aug, 20th Aug, 27th Aug ,
3rd Sept, 10th Sept, 17th Sept, 24th Sept,
*1st Oct, 8th Oct, 15th Oct, 22nd Oct, 29th Oct
5th Nov, 12th Nov, 19th Nov, 26th Nov,
3rd Dec, *10th,Dec.
The Hoddy Bonus Ball is being run by Peter Grant on behalf of Hoddesdon Cricket Club and can be contacted on 01992 462046 or mobile 07808 365142 or by email peter.c.grant@btinterrnet.com to select you number and pay the £40 for this year. I will email the results to you on a regular basis. I attach a copy of last years Bonus ball numbers so that people going into this year’s Bonus Ball may wish to keep their old numbers.
Thank you for supporting Hoddesdon Cricket Club as last year the money raised for the Bonus Ball paid for the new netting round the practice nets.